Zeroth law of Thermodynamics Equation (Easily explained)

Zeroth law of Thermodynamics Equation

The equation of Zeroth law of thermodynamics is mentioned below:

“If Ta = Tc and Tb = Tc, then according to zeroth law of thermodynamics Ta = Tb. Where Ta, Tb and Tc are the temperatures of body A, B and C respectively.”


Consider three blocks A, B and C at different temperatures.

Place these blocks such that block A and block B are not in contact with each other.

zeroth law of thermodynamics

Block A is in contact with block C, and in the same way block B is also in contact with block C.

After sometime, block A will be in thermal equilibrium with block C and similarly block B will also be in thermal equilibrium with block C. 

Now if we keep block A and block B in contact with each other, then there won’t be any heat transfer between them.

thermal equilibrium

In other words, block A and block B are also in thermal equilibrium now.

This phenomenon is represented using the mathematical formula given below;

If Ta = Tc and Tb = Tc, then according to zeroth law of thermodynamics Ta = Tb. Where Ta, Tb and Tc are the temperatures of body A, B and C respectively.

I hope now you have understood the Zeroth law of thermodynamics equation.

If you want to see the detailed information about Zeroth law of thermodynamics, then visit the ultimate guide on Zeroth law of thermodynamics.

(This guide has all the important knowledge about Zeroth law of thermodynamics along with real life examples and lots more. You will love this guide for sure.)

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