How is the first law of thermodynamics related to the movement of an automobile?

first law of thermodynamics examples in real life

First of all, we know that according to the first law of thermodynamics;

“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can only be transformed from one form to another”

Now a question for you.

Do you know how the engine of your car or bike works?

It is just a conversion of heat energy of fuel into mechanical energy (or mechanical work).

heat energy to mechanical energy

Let me tell you the entire process in detail.

The fuel used in the engine of the automobile has a chemical energy stored in it.

When the fuel burns, the chemical energy of fuel is converted into heat energy.

Due to this heat energy, the pressure inside the engine cylinders increases and this results in the movement of the piston.

Thus heat energy is further converted into mechanical energy.

The engine does not have its own mechanical energy, but this mechanical energy is produced due to the heat energy obtained from the fuel.

Thus the energy is converted from one form to another.

Hence energy is conserved.

In this way, first law of thermodynamics is related to the movement of automobiles.

For more detailed information on First law of thermodynamics, check the ultimate guide on First law of thermodynamics.

(This guide has all the important knowledge about First law of thermodynamics along with real life examples and lots more. You will love this guide for sure.)

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